Mannington Full Warranties

The same engineering that we put into our real hardwood floors
also goes into our adhesive to prevent glue bond failure due to
moisture that percolates up through the subfloor. If the subfloor is
visually dry, without a history of moisture problems, and the flooring
is installed according to Mannington’s installation instructions using
Mannington UltraSpread Mastic, Mannington will repair or replace
(at our option) any flooring that has released from the subfloor, due
to glue bond failure, ONE TIME ONLY, provided testing approved
by Mannington proves the moisture came up through the subfloor
and not from any other source, for as long as you own your home.
If the Mannington flooring is installed using a non-recommended
adhesive, the Full Lifetime Subfloor Moisture Warranty will no longer
apply. All other aspects of our warranties will remain in effect.
IMPORTANT: This warranty is not intended to cover water and moisture
damage as described in the exclusions below. If the problem recurs,
Mannington must conclude that the problem is with the site and
therefore must be repaired at the homeowners’ expense, prior to
further installations.