IndusParquet Full Warranties

Effective 10-2010
3/4" and 5/8" Solid Prefinished Hardwood Flooring - Residential and Light Commercial Warranty
The factory applied UV cured Induro™ aluminum oxide surface on ¾" and 5/8" solid prefinished floors is warranted by
IndusParquet not to wear through or separate from flooring for 25-years from the date of purchase in residential applications
and 5-years in light commercial applications. Flooring must be used under normal residential or light commercial traffic
conditions, and care and maintenance instructions, provided by the IndusParquet, must be followed for warranty to be valid.
In addition, IndusParquet warrants ¾" solid prefinished hardwood flooring against manufacturing defects caused by improper
milling, grading, and coating. Damages caused by improper transportation, storage, and installation are not covered. IndusParquet
is liable only for the defective flooring that exceeds 5% of the original hardwood flooring purchase order, and will only repair or
replace such defective material, excluding the cost of transportation, storage, installation and any other costs.
Warranty Provisions Extend Only to the Original Purchaser.
Warranty Exclusions
This warranty agreement does not cover the following:
- Natural changes in color due to exposure to light
- Failure due to improper environmental conditions, including but not limited to surface checking resulting from failure to
maintain proper humidity levels between 35-55%.
- Scratches, indentations or any damage caused by negligence, water, and sand, everyday wear or abuse.
- Failure to follow manufacture’s installation instructions, failure to use proper adhesives and moisture barriers, mildew from excessive humidity, discoloration, and cupping resulting from sub-floor moisture
- Improper and poor installation work
- Improper care and maintenance
Occasional defects in flooring from mis-milling or mis-handling damage may occur. Standard trade practice allows for up to 5% of the total square footage to contain wood bellow grade and/or with milling defects. All orders should be placed with an extra 5 to 7% of material than needed, allowing for waste from crosscutting and fitting pieces on-site, as well as crosscutting out possible defects.
During installation, knots and defects will be found including machining snipes, splits, wanes and areas on the floor that will not clean up. Crosscut out such defects and use the remaining sections to start or finish a row. If a recurring problem is found by the installer, or finds the waste to be excessive, stop immediately and call the service department at IndusParquet Floors to review the problems before continuing installation. IndusParquet will at its option, either send new flooring for replacement, credit you for the floor failing to make grade, or refund the cost of the flooring in full. DO NOT INSTALL DEFECTIVE FLOORING. Flooring that has been installed is deemed to be acceptable.
IndusParquet WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COSTS ASSOCIATED with installing, finishing and/or replacing of flooring installed with obvious defects.
IndusParquet is liable only for the defective flooring that exceeds 5% of the original harwood flooring purchase and will only repair or replace such defective material, excluding the cost of transportation, storage, installation and any other costs.
Color and Grain Variation
Wood is a natural material. No two or three pieces are the same and no two trees are the same. The same species may vary based on the areas where they are harvested. IndusParquet is not responsible for claims arising from floors that possess a greater range of grain/color variation than found in samples supplied by dealers.
Color Fastness
All wood floors are light and/or oxygen sensitive and over the time, will change color, developing an unique patina. Many wood species, such as cherry hardwoods, darken over time. Walnut, on the other hand lightens. These color variations are a natural characteristic of wood floors.
Terms and Conditions
The terms of this warranty become valid upon final payment and successful installation of the product. The usage of improper care products other than the ones recommended by IndusParquet may damage the floor and void this warranty. Inquires regarding this warranty should be directed and placed to the dealer where the original purchase was done. If the dealer does not satisfy your request, contact in writing the Customer Service Department at IndusParquet.
For detailed warranty information, please visit IndusParquet.